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What you're getting:
  • PDF: Access to the full 38-page guide that shares 61 questions you should have the answers to before choosing a publisher.

What They're saying:

"Great Information! Tara does a terrific job of walking authors through the process. Kudos to Tara and her team!"

Mary Payne

"If I had a time machine, 61 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Publisher is THE book I would take back to help me navigate through publishing. In a world filled with too much and sometimes contradictory information, this guide cuts through the nonsensical thicket and paves the way for newbies who seek understanding."

Angelina Assanti

"Tara R. Alemany's Publish with Purpose is a valuable resource that guides authors to reflect on why they want to publish and helps them set goals to do so."

Union Square Reviews
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  • 1x61 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Publisher Guide$19.99

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